GRID Photo Festivals: Events Hosted So Far

Photography is one of the most famous things in the world and many more people are becoming a part of it since they are able to capture photographs on their phones. Nowadays, if you want to start photography then the best place to start is with your phone, because smartphone cameras have evolved beautifully, and provide exceptional results. Since there are so many photography enthusiasts, that is why many photography festivals are held around the world. Almost all of these festivals are interesting on some level and that is why you will enjoy every single one of them. Here you will find some information related to the photography festivals that were held in 2017.

Ballarat International Foto Biennale

Ballarat International Foto Biennale

The Ballarat International Foto Biennale or BIFB is a photography festival held in Ballarat, Victoria. This festival is a month long and highlights modern Australian photography. The Ballarat International Foto Biennale is not held annually; instead it is held every two years, because in this way the photographers participating in the event have enough time to capture the most beautiful photographs. The exhibitions of this event are held across 80 venues and consists of works from many amazing artists.

Belfast Photo Festival

Belfast Photo Festival

The Belfast Photo Festival is another photography festival that is held every two years. As the name suggests this particular festival is held in the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland, and is one of the biggest photography events in the United Kingdom. The festival is made possible with the alliance of famous galleries and museums from across the city. If you are passionate about photography then the Belfast Photo Festival is just for you.

Format International Photography Festival

Format International Photography Festival

When you talk about the most popular photography festivals in the United Kingdom then you cannot miss the name of the FORMAT International Photography Festival. This festival is the leading photograph festival in the United Kingdom and it focuses on Modern photography. The FORMAT International Photography Festival is held in Derby, United Kingdom and is a must visit place for photography enthusiasts.

Head On Photo Festival

Head On Photo Festival

Another popular photography festival in the world is that of Head On Photo Festival. The Head On Photo Festival was founded in the year 2008 and is held in Sydney, Australia. The exhibits that are displayed during this festival are amazing and you will enjoy your time there. The best exhibit of the festival is given a prize of $50,000.

Contact Festival

Canada is another country which is full of people who just love photography and that is why the Contact Festival is held there. The festival is held in Toronto and features more than 1500 candidates who exhibit their work at over 175 venues.

These were some of the most popular photography festivals around the world that were held in 2017. Most of these festivals are held annually which means that if you did not get a chance to be a part of it this year then you can do it next year.